Signs You're Triggered by Your Child's Behaviour

self-care Jan 18, 2023

As parents, it's natural to feel frustrated and upset when our children's behavior causes us stress. However, when these reactions become extreme and interfere with our ability to parent effectively, it may signal that our children's behavior triggers us.

Here are six common signs that your child's actions may trigger you:

  1. Overreacting - If you find yourself getting disproportionately upset or angry when your child misbehaves, it could be a sign that you are being triggered. For example, suppose your child spills their juice, and you shout at them for several minutes. In that case, this may be an overreaction to the situation.
  2. Feeling overwhelmed - If your child's behavior is causing you to feel overwhelmed and out of control, you are likely being triggered. For example, suppose your child is constantly testing boundaries and pushing buttons. In that case, it can be exhausting and lead to feelings of frustration and helplessness.
  3. Blaming your child - When triggered, it's easy to blame our children for our feelings and reactions. However, it's important to remember that our children's behavior is not always the cause of our reactions. Instead, it may be past experiences or unresolved issues that are causing us to feel triggered.
  4. Lashing out - If you find yourself lashing out at your child in anger, it's a sign that you are being triggered. This behavior is unhealthy for you or your child and can lead to further conflict and resentment.
  5. Lack of empathy - When triggered, becoming defensive and self-focused is common. This can lead to a lack of empathy for our children's feelings and experiences, damaging our relationship with them.
  6. Struggling to regulate emotions - One of the main signs of being triggered is difficulty regulating our emotions. If you struggle to calm down and take a step back when your child misbehaves, you are likely being triggered.

If you are experiencing any of these signs, it's important to seek support and work on addressing the underlying issues that are causing your reactions. This can help you to become a more effective and empathetic parent, and improve your relationship with your child.